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August through December 1997 Volume 1 Number 4

  • Letters to the Editor
    Updated September 18, 1997

  • Back Issues

The Universe Was Made For Man
by John Rutis
What God has in store for man is unfathomable. Looking at the skies above gives us a preview of coming attractions--for us!
Posted December 19, 1997

Test of Faith--Blessed for Obedience
by Ruth Familetti
God knows what you're going through when you go through trials. But, do you? In the end, God is faithful and can't wait to bless you.
Posted December 19, 1997

All the Good Things
by Helen P. Mrosia
Kind and complimentary words that you say to others may have eternal impact. Have you said any lately?
Posted December 11, 1997

Lessons From the Flood
by Bill Jahns
Worldwide Flood: True or False? Is the answer to this question the most important fact about the the Noatian Flood?
Posted December 10, 1997

Healed But Scarred
by Peter Hawkins
Perhaps our sins are like flesh wounds. They heal after forgiveness, but we don't remove all the damage. And none of us have the right to point a finger at others.
Posted December 10, 1997

The Languages of the Bible
by Mark D. Kaplan
It was not haphazard how the different languages were used revealing God's thoughts to mankind. God had a methodic Plan in mind.
Posted September 18, 1997

Diana -- The World's Princess
by Melvin Rhodes
Diana was a breath of fresh air in a monarchy that has become increasingly distant from the people. Her death offers breathing space and some sobering lessons.
Posted September 7, 1997

Let Peace Begin With Me
by Joan Osborn
Peace is not legislated in laws written on paper. It's only what is written in our hearts that will work and last.
Posted September 6, 1997

Hasty Judgments
by John & Joanne Rutis
Judging others based on what they look like is a human trait that's hard to rid ourselves of. What's God's standard?
Posted August 13, 1997


September 1997

Thoughts about the Princess....

I AM DEEPLY SADDENED by the death of Diana, Princess of Wales. Although millions admired her from afar, the loss is more personal to me. Being with Prince Charles and Princess Diana for the better part of a day in 1984 (among other shorter less private visits), was very enlightening. My wife Michelle and I talked with the princess for nearly an hour in an alcove at the Rothschild estate in the late afternoon. At that time she was bulimic, and talked of the problems, both personal and press related. Being so young, she did not know how to handle it. We joked about all the people we worked with who were thirty or more years older than we were and what it was like to be thrust into a foreign lifestyle.

At a tour of Exbury Gardens earlier in the day, the Prince and Princess and Leopold Rothschild each drew a spade of dirt to plant a new tree. As the princess turned her shovel, she looked back at us and stated in quiet but firm tones, "this will grow up to be a snob tree". She appreciated her position, but at the same time could be very light hearted about it.

At the buffet style informal dinner Mr. Armstrong, Mr. and Mrs. LaRavia, and Michelle and I were sitting at a small table by the stairs discussing the days events. The princess came up and although all of us tried to give her a chair she refused and sat on the third stair, placing her at eye level to those of us at the table. She really did not like the formalities of Royalty in a private setting and didn't see herself as better than the guests. We all found her charming as a person.

She did want to help people, and was very involved in bringing the royal family to the people. Indeed at a time when the royal family was losing popularity, Diana brought life into the family, and a popularity with the people that will now undoubtedly go to her two children. I will miss her kind smile and the many charitable causes she drew attention to because she really cared.

Yes the royal family has had many problems. Considering all things, however, I admired the good things that the princess did on a human level. She was a support to her country in the same manner as my two other favorites, the King and Queen of Thailand. I will miss never being able to see her again....

Aaron Dean

WE ARE DEEPLY GRIEVED and never before have we cried all day.

The church bells have rung in mourning, flags are at half mast and our blinds are drawn.

The death of this young English princess has caused us all to examine our conscience as to how we treat each other. She was badly treated by an ice cold Establishment and starved of love, but instead she gave out love. The English people know her as their Queen of hearts.

She was driven to another only because she had been rejected by her Prince. The very ones who are expected to uphold and represent moral law failed dismally. This tragic death is the result and this is our lesson.

Maurice and Caroline Frohn
Kent, England

August 31, 1997 8:25 am

AS I LOGGED ONTO INTERNET early this morning I was stunned along with the rest of you at the untimely death of Princess Di. Tearfully, I turned on the news; it was significant that one of the first public condolences came from Mother Teresa who extolled Princess Di's work in charity work and her inter reaction with people.

In spite of the Royal Family's obvious shortcomings Princess Diana was a leader in how nobility should be obliged to work for the needy. She has worked with the sick, dying, children, AIDS victims and other causes. Di's charitable work came from her heart. Lord Spencer, her father, taught her to regard other people as her equals. In one sense there was an equality in that she did represent some of the ailments of her society. Her mother was an alcoholic, her parents divorced, her husband was unfaithful, and she suffered the psychological consequences.

But, she still tried to give that society her special warmth, inner beauty, humor, humility and love that will now be lost...but not forgotten. She will be an inspiration to all of us as the Queen of the people's hearts.

Victor Kubik


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