courtesy of Michelin North America, April 1994

Empowerment is a spirit that exists when each of us feels responsible for and is capable of helping the organization achieve its business goals.

It is a spirit put into action where we work cross-functionally, as teams and as individuals to better serve the customer.

It requires that we know and understand how our job relates to the company's goals and that we have the knowledge, skill and opportunity needed to reach our maximum potential to contribute to these objectives.

For empowerment to succeed, management must create an environment for establishing challenging goals and where coaching, training and the sharing of information help each of us increase our involvement and expand our ability to contribute.

Empowerment is based on open, precise and timely communication with emphasis on listening and mutual trust.

Empowerment is management's sharing and expanding accountability, authority and responsibility, while still retaining ultimate accountability and providing leadership and direction.

Empowerment will have a positive impact on our company when applied within the boundaries of our overall direction while respecting our values.

The need to serve the customer and make a profit is the driving force behind our  evolution toward an empowered environment.

"...We must learn to do more, better, faster and with less. That is to say: make substantial contributions and adapt our work methods to the new realities. To do this, everyone at all levels of the company must fully assume his share of responsibility and take more initiative ..."

F. Michelin, 24 September 1993

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